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Rot 1


Effect: This is an important supplement in addition to the other main medications.

  • It cleans and removes the yellow coating on the teeth within 2 weeks.
  • Helps to eliminate the unpleasant taste and odor in the mouth that develops after quitting smoking.
  • Reduces the craving for nicotine and stabilizes the pH level in the mouth.
  • Functions as a replacement for mouth and finger stimuli.

Rot 1

kr 49,00Pris
  • When to use it: It is used from the first nicotine-free day after quitting smoking.

    • Used during stress and social activities or when you need it, especially when you feel restless.

    How to use it: Chew it from one end until it becomes soft, then suck the ingredients produced in the mouth.

  • When to use it: It can be used during and after quitting nicotine.

    • Before quitting: Use it directly after meals instead of cigarettes, or whenever you feel like it.
    • After quitting: Use it when you feel restless or have a craving for a cigarette, for example, while (Driving - Talking on the phone - Writing - Drinking - Socializing ... and so on)

    How to use it: Chew on one end of the root until the outer shell is removed, and then use it just like a toothbrush.

bio side | Røykeslutt hjelp


Jeg har røykt i 40. de siste årene opp mot 70 om dagen. nå har jeg vært røykfri i over ett år, sier Bjørn Arnesen (62}. En av mange som har blitt kurert gjennom Doktor Kimo's

bio side | Røykeslutt hjelp

The European

Amerikansk undersøkelse tyder på at Dr. Kimo Quit Smoking Method, utviklet av den norske legen Kimo Karkash, har mer enn 90 prosent suksessrate.

Slutte å røyke


Det finnes ingen enkle mirakelkurer for å slutte å røyke. Men det finnes en kur som er så effektiv at over 84 % slutter å røyke og virkelig forblir røykfrie.

Kunders erfaring med Dr. Kimo røykesluttpakken

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